
Friday, September 25, 2020

Domain opening

 Yesterday a group of kids in my class were chosen to go to the Rawhiti domain

When we arrived we were asked to play a game of all in tag with the other schools

Once Jacinda Arden arrived when sat down and listened to the stuff people were talking about(the structure of the building etc)

I really enjoyed it and got Jacinda's signature 

My essay on the elements that authors and directors use


Authors and directors like to use stereotypes to help the viewers/readers make connections with the characters, by using things like their clothing they are wearing to simple things like an action they do. By this I mean the authors/directors do these deliberately and will always have a reason for what they are wearing and doing.



The costume can be used to show personality and sometimes their background behind the scenes.For example Ron in Harry Potter, he was wearings mucky hand me down clothing suggesting that his family isn't wealthy or doesn't get new clothes very often ,but Hermione is wearing her school robe and has neat and tidy clothes suggesting she likes to be organised and she could be wealthier than Ron or doesn't get hand me downs. Costumes are also used as a stereo-type,like if someone was wearing black they are considered mean but if someone wears yellow they are considered nice and happy.They also wear glasses to make them seem smarter or show wisdom.


The environment gives you clues where the character(s)are.

They also use objects in the scene that also give hints of where they are.Example if you see  desks and books that suggest that they are in a classroom, but if you were to see a large willow tree and swings it would suggest a park or maybe even a backyard.


Sounds are used so the audience can easily interact with what they are watching.For example being able to hear what the character is saying or what is going on in the background ,like in  a classroom you would hear kids talking.Sounds can also help you have an idea of where they are especially in a book because you don't have the visual image.


Actions are important in movies and books because it helps give ideas about the character.Like if someone slams the door it shows they are angry,if someone is bouncing around it tells you that they are excited or happy.The director will always have a reason why the character deliberately does something.  Like when Snape comes into the classroom he makes his presence clear by walking into the class and having a strong and loud voice as he talks.


Everything ,even small things  are deliberate in a movie and a book because it ends up letting you make connections with the character.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020


 This is my google drawing of what I think my healing garden is gonna be like

I just need to add a watering system

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

What we did today

 Today our class had skiing but for the people who didn't go had a fun day(well less work)

Our time table 

We started by doing our Hui then moved onto science I am doing a healing garden , then we did a kahoot

After break/eating we the class did a quizlet (a quiz done on our chrome-books that gives us a couple of people to work with and complete a quiz with) Which I didn't do cause I had netball training.At netball training we worked on passes,shooting and team building skills after that we finished with a small games.

After that (right now) we had to write a blog about our day so we could go to dodge-ball

I am enjoying my day so far what have you guys been doing today or in the past week?  

Monday, September 14, 2020


Today we worked on linear equations and we graphed our co-ordinates and ordered pairs. We graphed our work onto a Cartesian Plane. It was an introduction to working on a plane that had negative numbers and to get us familiar with plotting negative co-ordinates.

This was my graph 


Today we focused on how often our healing plants should be watered

  • Chamomile - make sure to water extremely in dry periods and water, does not require lots of water.Only water when dry.

  • Echinacea - needs 1 inch of water a week to grow healthy,If the coneflower doesn't receive enough water it will die.Water plant with soaker hose once a week

  • Lemon ginger - Ginger needs a lot of moisture when growing , soil should never dry out but don't overwater.Water once per week but deeply.Lemons should be water every 5 days or when the soil is dry to touch 2-3 inches below the surface.

  • Green tea - Camellia Sinensis likes to be deeply watered about twice a week rather the being watered shallowly.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Visual prompts

I rush onto the cruise carrying my suitcase and holding
my blue umbrella above my head trying to avoid getting hit by the rain.I
enter my cabin and start to unpack as I feel the boat starting to move.
I lean onto my bed that is neatly prepared for me and  start to go to sleep.
I wake up to see my-self lying on the wooden floor.I attempt to stand up and take
a look out-side my cabin realizing that everyone is gone.I rush towards the front
of the cruise , to see everyone lining up ready to leave on the small red boats.
I go to line up but the boat tips and I slip off the edge trying to catch my-self but
my hand loses hold of the metal bar.
I feel my-self sinking lower and lower as I hit the water.The waves pushing me
under everytime I try and pull my-self above the .I try to stay calm and push
forwards again hoping that I can get above the water to take a breath.
My arms pull against the water and I slowly rise up.I put my hand into a
fist as punch through the rough crest of the blue waves.I feel the cold air
go through my hand as the water rushes down.I have a moment of excitement
but I still need to get out of the water.I start yelling at the top of my lungs, hoping
that someone will hear me and pull me out of cold water.It has been nearly two minutes
and the waves are getting bigger.”I haven't got long” I say to myself.I try one
last time using the last of my energy.
I count down in my head “3 , 2 ,1 HELP!” I wait patient and then see a group
of people rush towards me on one of the small boats.The pull me onto the
boat and start to dry my-self with the white towel but it doesn't do much so
I wait until we reach shore.They take me to the green ambulance so I get
medical attention.I am all clear.

But they say I just need to take it easy and rest for a bit

Maths / Graphing

This week we did some work on graphing
I learnt that when you number the graph you number it on the line so when you mark the dot on  the graph it isn't on the middle of the graph and it lines up ( get the right answer)
The X axis goes horizontally and the Y axis goes vertically

Examining from texts

Harry potter - Snape

1A Snape movie version
These first impressions show the character is…
He seemed like a mean teacher because he stormed into the room aming his presence clear (doesn't want to muck around) .
He also was wearing black which makes him seem mean and villainy because of the stereo-type in other movies
Picks favourites (Doesnt treat all the kids the same)

1B Snape book version 
The book is slightly different from the movie because
The roll count wasn't done in the movie 
THe described his reaction differently to what he did in the movie ( His lips curled into a sneer)
You got a bigger picture about him ( the connection he has to potions) because of the description

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Healing garden / Inquiry

Over the last two days Kirsten and I have been working on our healing garden
as part of our science. We have decided to do our healing garden all with ingredients
to make some lovely teas. These are the teas we have chosen so far: German Chamomile
tea (Chamomile tea helps with calm people and help with sleep) , 
Echinacea tea (This tea is used to help protect against the common cold), 
Lemon ginger tea (It helps with colds and sore throats )
 Green tea (Helps with lowering the risk of heart disease and helps protect against cancer.
It also helps your brain to function )
. These teas each help with different things and are all very nice to drink.
 We have found out about what each tea is made out of and learned about how to plant those
plants. We hope to add some more teas in future but for now we have to research some more
about the teas we have so we can plan where and how to plant them in our garden. 


Today we started doing inquiry
We had the choice to choose from
1.Bird garden (Help the native birds/Bird houses etc)
2.Vegetable garden (Make a vegetable garden the can provide food for a family through out a year)
3.Healing garden (Stuff/plants that help with healing)

I decide to work in a pair with my friend Clara, we chose to do the healing gardens
We are focusing on teas and the plants the are used in them
Next session we are going to research about teas that help with healing or protecting colds

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Visual prompts

I wake up to hear a chanting parade with large signs,saying black lives matter.
I am so confused what is all this about.”No daa black lives matter it is just a different skin color”I say
to myself.I decide to go out-side and ask one of the people holding a sign what this is all about.
They look at me as I am total idiot , a man sighs and start to explain about this guy,that was
killed because he was black.I am still confused what is it with all this black people stuff.
I decide to research about this and make a article about it.I start with reading news articles,well
there isn't much information apart from these parades and signs.I think that it would be a good idea
to ask some of my family elders and see if they have any information about all this black lives matter
stuff.I decide to ask my Grandad first,he talks about how in his day all the black people couldn't go
on a bus and had to attend black people schools.My face drops…

“What is wrong with people”I mutter to my-self

I get my pens out and start to write my article.

Black lives matter…

I think that black lives matter because it is just a different skin color and that all people should be treated with respect not just white people.They still have the same ability as us white people and have a awesome culture if people were just to explore it.My question to the public is how would you like to be treated because it isn't a great feeling to be judged by your color.

I reread my article making sure my spelling is correct.I hand it to my Grandad asking what he thinks of it.He gave it a thumbs up and said I should show it to my class of my writing topic on Friday , I said I would consider it.
It's Friday as I walk into the classroom. I sit on my wooden chair and neatly pile the article on the desk in front of me.Everyone starts to be called up by alphabetical order,Abby,Benji,Carla...
My name starts with a T for Tess.As the time passes by I completely forget about reading my article and all the butterflies in my stomach disappear like clouds.
Tess! Your turn , I can feels my heart beating as I stand up and walk to the front of the class.I start to introduce my topic but my throat goes dry.I calmly take 5 deep breathes and look up and then down the the article.Here goes nothing..
Hi I am going to be reading my article about black lives matter.

Black lives matter…
I think that black lives matter because it is just a different skin color and that all people should be treated with respect not just white people.They still have the same ability as us white people and have a awesome culture if people were just to explore it.My question to the public is how would you like to be treated because it isn't a great feeling to be judged by your color

“CLAP CLAP CLAP” The class claps
I sit back down on my chair with a big smile on my face...

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Visual prompts

This is my story for visual prompts
If I was to write about this visual prompt again I would make it more exciting :)

I look up at the night sky admiring the full moon.I decide to count the glimmering stars.”1,2,3…” 
I start to yawn as I hear a echoing howl ,my body jumps in fear.I try to be as quiet as a
mouse trying to get in-side without attracting attention to myself.Once I make it in-side
I race through the cottage locking all the doors.I start to calm down and peer out the
small window in the bedroom.I look out-side but I can't see anything.The howls are getting
louder and I start to panic in fear again hiding under the large knitted blanket by grandma
made me.The howling stops and I come out from under the blanket…
I turn my head and yawn as I sit up noticing I am still on the grass out-side the cottage.
”What! how am I out-side”.I say to my-self trying to think of an explanation.
Where did the wolf go and  the howling I cant have imagined all that I think to my-self curiously.

Surely it wasn't a dream,it can't have been…

Do you guys have any suggestions that I can change about my story?