
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Visual writing

The guns start to fire and grenades are thrown.A bullet hits me right in my stomach.I collapse onto the ground and try to crawl through the vibrant red poppies that are covering the battle field.I am losing blood fast.I continuous repeat to crawl as quickly as I can but I can feel my-self slowing down.”Gotta keep going” I now start to say as my body starts to tremble and I get a cold shiver go through my spine.
My eyes suddenly close and all I can see is black...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Maths - Area

This week we have been working on area.
We had to remember to write down our method and all our working so our teacher Nogo knew what we did wrong so he could help us next time or correct our mistake.

To work out the area of a shape you times the length by the width
If the length of a rectangle was 6m and the width was 3m
You would then times them together (6 times 3 = 18m2)
(Since we are working out area it is square metres)

Area of a circle

This week we have been working on area and writing down our method and all of our working so we could go back and correct what we did wrong and our teacher Nogo could see what we need to work on.

To work out the area of a circle you have to times the the radius twice with π
π = 3.14

Example :
If the radius of a was 5m
So would would then start by multiplying the radius twice = 25m
Then multiply that with π (3.14)
25m times 3.14 = 78.5m2

Thursday, August 20, 2020

visual prompts

This is my favorite visual prompt.
The boy rolls out of his blankets as he sees something starting to shimmer underneath him.
The room suddenly lights up as the carpet is brought to life.
The boy's eyes glow with excitement as the carpet lifts its-self into the air.
The dog spins around in the sparkles that float off the magic carpet.
The boy picks his dog up and they fly around the room all night.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Finding the circumference

Circumference =π x Diameter
I found out that it took me 13.5 of my feet to walk through the middle(diameter) of the circle on our basketball/Netball court.
So to find the circumference I had to times it by 3.14
I found out that the circumference was 42.39 which can vary depending on the size of someones foot.
I also found out I can fit 4 1/2  of my feet in a metre

Seahorse diagram

I have created a diagram about seahorse
My diagram is mean't for ages 8-10
I have add some color because it is inviting for younger ages.